新版ued IT核对表

按照以下步骤新版ued官网app您在新版ued的旅程. 计算机服务 takes great pride in the service we provide to all users. The most important thing you can do is set up your 新版ued email on your mobile device for easy, 快速访问! 详细说明请参考步骤2. 如果您需要立即帮助,请发送电子邮件至ithelp@fondreninc.com. Please be sure to provide your 电话号码 so that we can contact you immediately. 你必须使用你的新版ued电子邮件帐户 提交罚单. 所有其他电子邮件域被阻止,以防止垃圾邮件. 您也可以发短信或致电903 434 8140.

**Chromebooks and tablets/mobile devices are not recommended for completing your class work**.
Please keep in mind that we do have a computer lab open to students located in the Learning Commons. 实验室在正常工作时间开放.

Also, checkout our YouTube channel for several useful how to videos 在这里.

You will not be able to complete steps 4-5 until you have registered for a course. 


有用的QR码不使用Onelogin APP扫描. 你必须使用你的原生摄像头应用.




要获得即时帮助,请通过以下方式登录您的电子邮件帐户 http://outlook.office365.com 发邮件到ithelp@fondreninc.com

每次登录时,您都需要使用OneLogin应用程序. 不要从你的手机上删除应用程序. 如果您需要重置OneLogin帐户,请转到 http://reset.fondreninc.com 


Please watch the video a couple of times before attempting to follow the instructions. 这个过程只需要3分钟.

你可以直接进入OneLogin: http://ntcc.onelogin.com

请发邮件到 ithelp@fondreninc.com 如果你需要帮助或没有智能手机. 一定要包括你的 电话号码 这样我们就能立即帮助你. Please note that you are only required to perform the 2 factor function once every 90 days. Simply click “Remember Me” after you first sign back in to the OneLogin environment.

进入你设备的应用商店,安装微软outlook. 使用完整的新版ued电子邮件地址登录, which is your first initial+full last name+last 3 digits of your social security number. Jane Doe with the last 3 digits of the social security number of 111 would be jdoe111@fondreninc.com. 


Your 新版ued email account is the official communication channel used at 新版ued. 所有重要的信件,如财政援助信息, 商务办公信息, 老师之间的交流会发到这个邮箱. 尽可能多地查看邮件是很重要的. 

Please Note that forwarding a 新版ued Email Account to an outside email address is blocked by our 新版ued 安全 Policy and will not work.

微软团队在东北是一个很好的沟通工具. Go to the app store of your mobile device and install Microsoft Teams. 点击这里安装 你的老师可能会在你的课程中使用TEAMS. You may also message faculty, staff, and other enrolled Northeast students using the application.

点击这里 为桌面/笔记本电脑安装



All 新版ued students get FREE access to the full Microsoft Office suite for up to 5 devices. Please keep in mind that Microsoft Access is not compatible with Mac. You will need access to a Windows PC in order to get Microsoft Access.  请参见下面的视频,了解一步一步的教程.

1. 首先导航到 办公室.com and sign in with your student email (First initial, Last Name, Last 3 of social, @fondreninc.com)

2. Setup two factor authentication by entering in your cell phone number and following prompts.

3. Then click 安装 Office > Office 365 Apps > Then follow prompts


The first step is to install BOTH of the following browsers on your PC: 

火狐浏览器下载 :: 谷歌浏览器下载 

To use Blackboard effectively and avoid issues, the software below should be installed:

请按照以下步骤关闭弹出窗口拦截器. Several 3 party programs such as Mindtap and Mathlab will require this step to function properly. 

  1. 打开应用商店
  2. 搜寻“黑板”
  3. 安装
  4. 打开黑板App
  5. 输入“东北德州社区学院”.
  6. 选择“东北德州社区学院”.
  7. 按“继续登入网页”
  8. 输入你的新版ued电邮地址,然后按“继续”.
  9. 输入密码,然后“继续”.
  10. 接受单独登录通知.
  11. 跳过还是记住
  12. 同意条款
  13. 全部完成

Respondus LockDown Browser® is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard. 当您使用Respondus锁定浏览器时,您无法打印, 复制, 转到另一个URL, 或者访问其他应用程序. When an assessment is started, you are locked into it until the exam is submitted for grading.

  • 评估显示全屏,不能最小化
  • 在用户提交评分之前,不能退出评估
  • 阻止任务切换或访问其他应用程序
  • 打印,打印屏幕和捕获功能被禁用
  • Copying and pasting anything to and from an assessment is prohibited
  • 屏幕截图, 消息传递, 分享自己电脑屏幕, 虚拟机, 网络监控应用程序被阻止运行
  • 右键菜单选项和功能键被禁用
  • Browser menu and toolbar options are disabled, except for Back, Forward, Refresh and Stop


这个安装将在桌面上创建一个图标. 新版ued官网app需要Respondus锁定浏览器的考试, you must click on that icon to enter Blackboard or the test link will not open.

You can use Respondus Lockdown Browser on an ipad if the instructor has set the correct parameters for the exam.

点击这里获取说明 如何在ipad上使用Respondsus锁定浏览器.

  • 咨询老师

Most online classes and some face-to-face classes require proctored exams throughout the semester. 默认情况下,您将需要与 新版ued检测中心 参加考试. If the course Start Here folder contains references to proctored exam and you are in the situation where travel to campus can not be arranged, let your instructor know within the first week or so of the semester 所以可以做其他安排.

Below you will find links to resources you may need when taking Proctored Exams.

Proctorio是 一种远程监控软件,当安装在你的浏览器中时,它会监视考生. 注意:Proctorio仅适用于谷歌Chrome浏览器. 如果你的笔记本电脑没有下载Chrome浏览器, you can always download it by using this link which will guide you through the steps Mac or Windows


  • Respondus监控

有些课程可能要求您使用Respondus监控. 这并不需要安装额外的软件, 但需要使用电脑网络摄像头和麦克风. 当考试设置为需要Respondus监控时, 您将使用Respondus锁定浏览器转到Blackboard, 导航到你的考试,然后你会被要求进入 一次10美元的费用. 您可以用信用卡购物. 这将只涵盖该课程的所有考试. 每节课额外收费10美元, 但是这门课的所有考试都将用这笔钱支付. 在考试新版ued官网app之前, you will be asked to show your student ID and scan your surroundings to demonstrate the resources you will be using. In addition to the usual restrictions provided by 响应锁定浏览器, you will also be recorded as you take the exam and that recording will be reviewed by the instructor for any adherence to the guidelines outlined for the exam.



Respondus Monitor verifies your identity and records your surrounding while taking an exam. Your exam will be taken using Blackboard and 响应锁定浏览器. 每学期10美元的课程费用由学生支付.



  • 远程监考员

如果你的班级没有使用Blackboard来管理你的考试, you will need to use Remote Proctor NOW to record your testing environment and verify your identity. 每次考试费用由学生支付15美元.









手机教学视频 点击这里

计算机教学视频 点击这里

计算机服务 recommends obtaining a Windows 10 PC with the following specifications:

1. I5核处理器
2. 8gb内存
3. 256gb固态硬盘(SSD)

We have several laptop options available in the bookstore that have been reviewed and recommended by 新版ued's IT team 在这里.
**Chromebooks and tablets/mobile devices are not recommended for completing your class work**.
Please keep in mind that we do have a computer lab open to students located in the Learning Commons.

遵循这个 link 更新新版ued存档的手机号码. It is very important that you keep your phone number current as this is the phone number that all emergency alerts will go to. 计算机服务 makes every attempt to call you when you submit a ticket. Please make sure your phone number is accurate so that we can assist you in a timely manner.